Insurmountable Faith: A love story of faith, determination and courage

Author(s): Lynette Bernard

NZ Fiction

A compelling love story where a lifetime of beliefs and values are tested. Sad, beautiful and heartbreaking when a devoted spouse bravely seeks to help her husband after an accident. Ultimately, she's confronted with the reality of what we think is the right thing to do, may not be!


Gemma is married to Mason Brownlie, he has two sons; the eldest son Dwayne and his mother Rose (Mason's ex) are set on destroying their marriage. Rose is driven out of jealousy and Dwayne is driven by greed to get his inheritance.

When an opportunity presents itself, Mason and Gemma purchase a lifestyle property, resulting in an accident. Mason's character changes, becoming irritable with violent outbursts. One night Mason attempts to strangle Gemma, she courageously seeks help for him trying to do what she believes is right. Refusing to have him charged with attempted murder.

Gemma battles with her personal conflict of loyalty, commitment and love for Mason, her beliefs are a strong antagonist that she's unaware of when he has a stroke and undergoes brain surgery and although Mason's sons refuse to help, she can't walk away leaving her husband in care.

Gemma struggles as he becomes aggressive and she lives in fear. Her love and commitment to her husband, marriage and personal beliefs won't allow her to give up. She's injured and Mason is assessed by the mental health unit. Everything spirals out of control as the doctor begins to read the diagnosis, his medical records disclosing a secret Mason had been keeping.

Gemma sat in shock; she knew there wasn't anything she could do. She began taking Mason to look around rest homes. It's a dark abyss for Gemma remembering their vows until death do we part, how can she make this important decision.

Mason is settled, happy, safe and cared for while Gemma accepts that God has a plan and trusts that he knows best for them.







The reader can't help but be involved in Gemma's ups and downs, and a real sympathy is formed with the main character.

A poignant read, which clearly shows the traumas of caring for someone with dementia.


Jill Barnes

B.A.(French), Dip Tchg, Diploma in SLD (Module 3)

Product Information

A New Zealand mother of two who loves the rural life, dancing, gardening, reading, writing and teaching brought about by having had a varied career with a lot of wonderful learning experiences from Healthcare, Real Estate, Secretarial, Retail and special education teaching.This novel came about after working in a Dementia Unit, volunteering with a Stroke Organization, supporting Victims and having family members who have suffered neurological illness, all of this knowledge has driven my passion to write about the sad facts of life. My voluntary work and faith in God has equipped me with the gift of insight and empathy for those with disabilities and survivors of violence, causing me to question and acknowledge powerful beliefs, I hope to stimulate food for thought as I write overlooking my beautiful garden. L.J. Bernard

General Fields

  • : 9780473695477
  • : Self Published
  • : books

Special Fields

  • : Lynette Bernard